As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. She has owned and cared for many breeds of dogs including her German Shepherd named Jet. Read this article we recently wrote to learn more about what garter snakes like to eat, as well as learn how to properly and successfully feed a garter snake. There are many ways to tell when your precious snake is expecting. The only way to tell with absolute certainty whether your snake is pregnant is to take her to a vet for a scan, although several tell-tale signs can give you a few hints beforehand. Being semi-aquatic, a garter snake might be able to have a deeper dish than some snakes, but ideally, youll keep the water fairly shallow. The aquatic garter snakes are usually found in water environments. After they lay their eggs, some female snakes are known to abandon them and discontinue all care. Even if you think it is non-venomous, any snake can bite and cause pain and inflict damage, including leaving behind bacteria in a wound. The easiest way to confirm that your snake is pregnant is to visit your local veterinarian and have them do an x-ray or ultrasounds, but there are a few other telling signs. Although many garter snakes are tame, it is best to assume they are not until proved otherwise. Your pregnant female will eat little or not at all during this period, and this is nothing to worry about and perfectly normal. Ribbon snakes are thinner than garter snakes and have narrower heads. In addition to their markings, garter snakes have the following characteristics: These features are all found in garter snakes, though do bear in mind that there are some differences within the species. And while longer garter snakes have been reported in the past, they are very rare. The second story is that the name garter snake comes from the German word for garden. Ive always been fascinated by snakes and reptiles. The list of acceptable food includes slugs, earthworms, leeches, lizards, frogs, tadpoles, ants, frog eggs, toads, crickets, mice, and other rodents. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. For example, Ball Pythons are one of the easiest snakes to breed in captivity, but there are still many procedures that you must follow when breeding your snakeso you dont cause any damage to your snake. As such, the garter snake uses its stealthy slithering body as an advantage as it approaches its prey and then will attempt to eat the creature whole. Always take the utmost precaution when trying to identify a snake. Given this limitation, the snakes cannot be picky anything that can fit inside their mouth. No need to rush things, right? To improve his chances of siring offspring, a male red-sided garter snake will clog his bedfellow's nether regions by secreting a thick, gelatinous " plug ." A temporary barrier, the plug keeps his sperm from spilling out, and it blocks rival males from leaving their sperm behind. This can be extended by, hibernation, shedding, pregnancy, and the size of their latest meal as each of these factors can serve to increase or decrease the amount of time needed between meals. This article has been viewed 22,295 times. However, if the snake is about to shed its skin, the eyes might be a bit cloudy. If the lighting in your room is very dim, a garter snake will benefit from extra lighting during the daytime. They do this in order to steal the body heat of the other snakes that think they are mating with a female. Some snakes need to see their food moving to kickstart their appetite. You can achieve this most easily by using a humidifier. When possible, Embora Pets uses affiliate links (at no additional cost to you). Its a good idea to provide a dry hide box as well. One of the first things you will want to do is rinse the baby snakes off with water to remove any remaining goo. Didn't find what you need? More often than not, names came from other words that were around first. Garter snakes are ovoviviparous, meaning they bear live young. If you are bitten, and the snake wont let go, gently push its head forward to disengage its jaw. One of the most widespread snakes in North America, I'm sure you've seen an Eastern garter snake in your yard or at a local park. Breeding & Reproduction Guide. Providing the right environment ahead of time can ensure that your clutch has a high survival rate. Your baby snake might not want to eat right away and you should never force your snake to eat if it is not ready. The gravid female feeds well for about 3 to 5 weeks after mating and then the appetite will slacken as the female approaches the prenatal shed. Garter snakes are one of the easiest snakes to care for in captivity. Black-neck garter snakes come from a hot climate, so they will appreciate the extra warmth and brightness. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Difficulty breathing, or in serious cases, complete loss of breath. By using our site, you agree to our. Is your snake fat? I hope that you find this website useful! After they are rinsed off, place them on a paper towel in a safe container. So here are two known stories for how the snake got its name: The first story is that the garter snakes name came from a comparison of the stripes on the side and back of the snake to the garter stockings that people were commonly wearing at the time of the naming of the snake. Checkered garter snakes rarely bite and can be easily handled, so they are one of the most popular garter snakes to keep as pets. Trap and relocate the snakes. This can be tricky becausesome female snakes might show signs of pregnancy right away while others take longer to show. Remove your snake to a second secure tank so you can clean the tank/vivarium thoroughly. Thats why you need to create a temperature gradient in its vivarium. So, are all garter snakes suitable for keeping as pets? While the average length of a garter snake is from 23 to 30 inches the longest recorded garter snake has been 5 feet long. A female will lay anywhere from 20 to 40 babies on an average, though the lowest reported babies have been 3 and the highest has been 101. Pit vipers are venomous and dangerous snakes to have in the garden, so instant recognition and staying safe are the way to go if they enter your garden. You should aim for the cooler end of the cage to be around 70F (21C). Gopher snakes have no parental involvement after laying eggs. garter snake, (genus Thamnophis), also called grass snake, any of about 35 species of nonvenomous North American snakes having a striped pattern suggesting a garter: typically, one or three longitudinal yellow to red stripes, between which are checkered blotches. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, its illegal to capture the San Francisco garter snake as its endangered. If you do live where snakes are likely to be about, it makes a lot of sense to identify the snakes before encountering one, so that you know what sort of snake you're dealing with and how to respond. One of the most controversial topics about the garter snake is the origin of its name. In the most simple sense, garter snake will eat anything that they can, but they are limited by their small size. From enclosure setu. For captive snakes, you need to be aware of what to expect those first few weeks. Some species, like the Ball Python, wrap around theireggs to keep them warm. Ribbon Snake Scientific Classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Reptilia Order Squamata Family Colubridae Genus Thamnophis Scientific Name Thamnophis sauritus. If you think your garter snake is pregnant congratulations! Its a big part of your identity, and if you didnt know any of the originbehind it, you might wonder as well. This is because the high temperatures cause the water to evaporate and moisten the enclosure. Whats Petsmarts Return Policy on Snakes. If it's warmer she'll loosen up to cool the eggs down a little bit. But how much do you really . All snakes are capable of eating anything that can fit inside the largest part of its body. The snake will stay in sunny areas - this will be the case as they are warming their pregnant body up. The simple answer is yes. Unlike in the wild, there are no seasons for your snake. Thats a pretty big range. Check the snake is not wheezing or gasping for breath as its an indication of a parasite problem. What Smells Deter Cats from Peeing? In the wild, garter snakes are opportunistic hunters, so they eat a very varied diet. Mating for garter snakes takes place right after they have gone through their form of hibernation or brumation. This act of stealing heat is called kleptothermy since this act is taken right after hibernation. Snakes will typically only reproduce anywhere from once or twice a year to every three years. Selective Breeding Wanting Certain Characteristics, Survival Of Eggs Requires The Right Temperatures, The Breeding Of Corn Snakes are dictated by the season. Journalists and bloggers across the web continue to use us as a trusted source and often link to our articles. Garter snakes come in various colors often black or brown, though red, green, and other colors are possible as well. When babies are first born, they wont eat for about 10 days. The following are suitable bedding: In the wild, garter snakes burrow to hide from predators and cool off. According to Northern State University, theyll consume grasshoppers, earthworms, frogs, toads, salamanders, small birds, rodents and other small mammals. The most common way to tell garter snakes apart from other snakes is their color: they have dark bodies with three yellow stripes cascading down their backs. Survival is more important than staying solitary after all. Read our Complete Guide to Classification of Animals. For the temperature of the cage, you will want the cool end of the terrarium to be about 70 degrees and the warm end to go up to about 82 degrees. These snakes are relatively small as they only grow to an average of 23 to 30 inches. If youre trying to introduce a new food, but youre not having any success, try scenting the new food with the food that your snake is already accustomed to eating. Level up your tech skills and stay ahead of the curve. If you have a garter snake thats less than 1-year-old, provide a humid hide box for it. MLA Style: Carter, Lou. wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. The water is essential not only for drinking but also for helping to snake to keep cool. Baby garters are prone to dry skin and dehydration. Some novice snake owners may like to remove the uncertainty of whether the female snake is pregnant or not. The ribbon snake has a longer tail than most other types of garter snake. There are 13 subspecies of varying colors and patterns found in a wide range of habitats from Quebec to Florida and Alaska to Texas. Because garter snakes are non-threatening towards humans, people assume that they do not produce venom. This factor is probably the hardest to control and varies greatly between different species. Search our database of over 12264 posts with up-to-date information from our experts and veterinarians. Embora Pets is a website full of resources created for pet owners by pet owners. This might just be a nice myth to chuckle at. A garteris a band of cloth that is used to hold up someones stocking. Garter snakes make great first snakes for families with elementary school-age children and older, because these snakes are active during the day, do not constrict, and do not get very big. The information might match up, or it might not. Good thing too. While your snake is learning to trust you, consider wearing gloves to protect your hands from bites. Like most snakes, though, garter snakes are able to pick up on chemical trails with their tongue. Check periodically for health problems, such as worms, mites, blister disease, and gastrointestinal parasites. Strive 1-Day Pinky Frozen Mice (50 Count), Carolina Custom Cages Terrarium, 36"(L) x 18"(D) x 18"(H), aspen shavings that are specifically meant for snakes, iPower 6 by 8 inch Reptile Terrarium Heating Pad, Galpagos Terrarium Natural Green Sphagnum Moss (4 Quarts), When Do Rattlesnakes Come Out? This leads to troves of garter snakes being in the same area which is super convenient because they dont have to go searching in the wilderness to find each other instead. She may even uncharacteristically strike out at you but she will go back to behaving normally once she has had her clutch. The snake will stay in sunny areas this will be the case as they are warming their pregnant body up. According to CBC, the record for the longest garter snake was 132cm. When the eggs are almost due you will notice bumps on the snake's body. They prefer just to take the snake to the snake breeder they bought the snake from, or to a vet, for an ultrasound that will give the the answer they need. Snakes dont have the best record for being great mothers and this is why. So, you need to choose the right type of substrate. One narrow stripe running lengthways down the snakes back with a thicker stripe on each side. Hi, I am Jen! Its true that many garter snakes could live healthy lives without additional lighting. Increased production of saliva and sweat. If there are red bumps around the mouth or a cottage cheese-like substance in the mouth, this indicates that a snake has mouth rot. When possible, Embora Pets uses affiliate links (at no additional cost to you). Since garter snakes are aquatic in nature they like water. Keeping the correct temperature consistent is vital, and though she will naturally seek out cooler parts of her tank, she may still want to lay under a heat lamp occasionally too. The first thing you will need to know is that these snakes are friendly, or rather, they are not aggressive, as it is hard to say if a snake is ever truly friendly. Make sure that there are no visible blisters on the skin. If it isnt cleaned quickly, the snake could get sick. So, if you find yourself sexually interested in a man, snakes may begin to appear in your dreams in a non-threatening manner. Embora Pets is everywhere! However, this can vary depending on the species of snake. The bellies of garter snakes are often lighter than the rest of the body. The bowl should be big enough for the snake to curl up in. The eyes should be clear and free of injury. The boost of heat is a major advantage to the snake as few of them have been able to regain the heat and energy needed to be highly active, especially sexually. Brush your snakes food with a light coating of calcium powder once a month. One of the more recent discoveries about the garter snake has been the fact that it is venomous. Watch and learn how to identify an overweight or underweight snake, and see if you need to change the feeding schedule for your snakes at . Garter snakes are typically small reptiles, with a length between 23 - 30 inches. Adjustment time is important for the comfort and health of a snake. The nest box can be a simple container where the female can enter andlay her eggs. In captivity, you will need to create periods similar to winter and spring to promote successfulbreeding. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. The tail accounts for at least one-third of the entire length of the snake. Yellow stripes on a black, brown or greenish background. As you might expect, the snake has a checkerboard pattern on its body, but those characteristic lines and stripes are still visible, too. Some unique characteristics that garter snakes can have are thicker bodies, ridges on the back, and even, if you get close enough to see, tongues with two different colors on them. The sooner its cleaned, the better. Size: Don't bump into a 3-meter long snake and try to interact with it thinking that it's a garter snake. Some owners believe that lighting is unnecessary. Their diets are able to sustain them off of almost anything in a location. This is especially true in English because English steals words from a lot of different languages, including Germanic languages, and modifies them. Although a natural vivarium is considered beneficial for reptiles (i.e., containing soil and live plants), it is not practical for snakes that defecate as much as garter snakes do. Garter snakes should never be housed in aquatic or semi-aquatic tanks because theyll quickly develop blisters on their scales. At the same time, they are fascinating creatures to behold. 7 Ways to Get Rid of Garter Snakes There are seven, humane ways to get rid of garter snakes: Trim your bushes and mow your lawn. Sometimes they will eat something even large than this, though this can sometimes cause digestion problems if it is too big. This will ensure her comfort and the proper development of the eggs. Another sign that your female snake might be expecting babies is her sudden lack of appetite. Do garter snakes attack humans? As such, the way that the garter snake releases their venom is throughchewing. Though most garter snakes have these stripes in their patterns, some garter snakes have almost no stripes and some have a checkered pattern instead of stripes. Some snakes may also lay a clutch of eggs years after being adopted, leading many owners to believe that she produced eggs asexually. So for the garter snake as a species,understanding the origin of its name gives it more identity. Make sure it has a lid. This can include up to 25 male snakes. Garter snakes are a great option as a pet they are really low maintenance and are not aggressive or deadly to their owners. Garter snakes have small heads that come to a small rounded nose at the front. If there is excess mucus in its mouth, then it may have a respiratory condition. Several studies have shown that light encourages mating behavior. Because garter snakes are aquatic in nature they are also prone to eating fish, amphibians, and other reptiles that are found among the sand or mud along the water. Snakes For Pets. If you can offer your snake 2 hide boxes, then itll appreciate this. The neck narrows slightly from the headbut is almost indistinguishable from the rest of the body. Once the female lays her eggs, avoid moving them so that no damage is caused to the young. How long can a garter snake go without eating? Do Ferrets Need Vaccination Shots? Some classifications differ as to the number of . They need a meat-based diet to grow and thrive. Affiliate Disclosure: When possible, Embora Pets uses affiliate links (at no additional cost to you). Ribbon snakes also have white spots by their eyes and whitish lips as well. However, the garter snake does not have the ability to sense heat like the vipers and boas have developed. Once you have confirmed that this behavior is a sign of pregnancy, you will want to prepare a nest box (a place for a female to lay her eggs) and keep an eye on her growing body. Once your baby snakes hatch, you will be in charge of caring for them. Garter snakes dont even have much competition from humans in this case. Certain snakes such as the garter snake and the rattlesnake collect themselves into a large mass of snake in order to keep themselves warm through the winter. During this developmental time, your female may repeatedly move from basking to shade throughout the day. Garter snakes are able to live in all of these environments because they have adapted to each of them. Luckily, garter snakes dont just lay their eggs and ditch them like the majority of snakes. Garter Snake or Garden Snake or Gardner Snake are all common names for the same species: Thamnophis sirtilis. Some types are located in the colder regions of Alaska, whereas others are endemic to warmer southern states, like Florida. Juvenile garter snakes (0-2 years) should be fed once every 2-3 days, and adults can be fed once a week. If a snake appeared in a sensual dream Snakes can also symbolize male sexual energy vis--vis "their shape," Loewenberg says. Know what an indigo snake (Drymarchon species) looks like. With all of this to cover and more, continue reading as we explore one of Americas most common snakes: the garter snake. However, if your garter snake has gone 2 weeks without eating, this is a red flag and should be investigated. They were particularlyprevalent in mens fashion back in the 1600s and 1700s. Remove any sources of food for the snakes. This is used both in hunting and finding a partner when looking to mate. Dont use your fingers. In most cases, you will want to separate your baby snakes into small individual containers prepared for each one. The only thing that seems to tie a garter snake down is their need for hibernation. Do not exceed this amount as a calcium overdose can be toxic. This article has been viewed 22,295 times. If you want to buy a garter snake, look for a local snake breeder in your area. So while not likely these snakes can get above 4 feet in length. Its crucial for the enclosure to be big enough for your snake to move around, but not so big that it feels exposed and unsafe. [1] Luckily for the garter snake, very few of these creatures would be able to fight back much, so it has its pick of prey. However, in some cases, more lighting could make a positive difference: Get a humidity gauge to monitor the humidity in the vivarium. So choosing around which is easiest to clean may be a wise choice. You may even have witnessed mating and know what to expect. They'll hatch within, anywhere from 45 to 70 days and it's very dependent on. Garter Snake - Thamnophis. You wouldnt think that the name of a snake would be that big of a deal, but, crazy as it may seem, it is. When the eggs are almost due you will notice bumps on the snakes body. Garter snakes are some of the most prevalent snakes in North America, especially in the US. No matter the temperament, your snake may get defensive. Female snakes tend to avoid eating while they are pregnant. The main strategy of the garter snake is to eat their prey live and whole. The easiest way to do this is to place some damp moss in the hide box. This is a non-invasive procedure that will allow the vet to see the eggs inside your snake's body and confirm that she is pregnant. However, once your snake has had her clutch (and in some cases waited for them to hatch) she will most likely go back to her normal temperament. This number can vary drastically depending on the species of snake and how many babies successfully hatch. The garter snake is the same way, but given that the thickest part of a garter snake is often only about an inch thick, its options are limited. If the checkerboard pattern is light in color, this might suggest it is, in fact, a common garter snake rather than a checkered garter snake. During this time, she will refuse food in favorof keeping her clutch safe. Controlling temperature is the largest factor in ensuring that your eggs survive till hatching time. Very few snakes eat fish, which means less competition in the food chain. Although the size of the nest box will depend on the species of snake, it should typically be a relatively small space. Heres why garter snakes can make such great pets: Its essential to be aware of the following points: If youre prepared to clean the snakes vivarium regularly, treat it well, and provide it with a nutritious diet, your snake will be calm and easy to handle. It the temperature goes above 33C (91F), your snake will overheat. You should make sure that your female snake has a basking place with a temperature of at least 95 degrees Fahrenheit. The snake will lie down on its back. According to Science Direct, the perimeter of the base of the cage (the distance around it) should be at least double the length of your snake. Your email address will not be published. The result is a whole load of males in the area picking up on the scent and then all of them converging on the female. Ollie, originally from the USA, holds his master's degree in wildlife biology and moved to Australia to pursue his career and passion but has found a new love for working online and writing about animals of all types. Garter snakes will live for longer in captivity than they do in the wild if you meet their food and care needs. Often, checkered garter snakes have an olive-green back with light-colored stripes and a black checkerboard pattern. Many snake owners also take pride in breeding their snake and raising the young. Babies are born 12-18 inches (30 to 45 cm) long and can be up to 3 feet (92 cm) long after one year, according to Stanford University . small amphibians), but nowhere near strong enough to do any damage to a human. Get a good look at the snake without getting close enough for it to strikestay as far away as possible. Garter snakes areovoviviparous which means they lay their eggs inside their body and then produce their young live. For example, because Burmese Pythons typically stay with their eggs and warm them, they need a space large enough to wrap themselves around their eggs. Each container should be lined with the appropriate material and contain a water dish and hiding place. Common garter snakes do not have this bold line separating the back and the stomach. They can store sperm for up to five years! The diet of the garter snake is diverse. 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